All the stuff you have to do to go from land to sea and all around the world…
We bought a blue-water sailboat; sold our house; bought an RV and now we’re going from land to sea and all around the world. This is our journey.

In this episode (29)… This episode shows you the massive amount of multi-tasking it takes to make this From Land to Sea and All Around the World Dream come true. Casz works on Operation Curb Appeal with the assistance of Tank; while Greg has to go take care of business in San Diego and gets a little maritime fun in while he’s there, then it’s back to SV Elli in Anacortes, where there’s a lot of work and a little bit of hassle.
Special thanks to Alein’ Whalers, who let us use their music in their video. Check them out here: or on YouTube
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Come follow the adventure from the beginning: #fromlandtoseandallaroundtheworld [How to live your dreams to travel the United States and the world full time.]
Who we are: We are Casz & Greg, empty nesters, Gen Xers, Adventure-Seeking Explorers, along with our two pups, Kola & Sprite. We bought a sailboat, sold our house, and bought an RV. Now as constant travelers, we split our time between Sailboat and RV. This YouTube series documents all of it, from the dream to reality. Come with us as we venture from land to sea and all around the world. #digitalnomads
We left the chains of the corporate-sponsored suburban lifestyle, said goodbye to our mortgage, the golden handcuffs jobs, and are living a life that lets us see the world on our own terms. #alternativeliving
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Post Script information:
Places in this video:
Anacortes, Washington
Cap Sante Marina, Anacortes, WA
San Diego, CA
Waterfront & Maritime Museum
North Bend, WA
Thrasher Homestead
Seattle, WA
Bird’s Eye View of the Puget Sound
Where we get our music:
This episode features:
The Road to the Sea – Andreas Ericson
At the Waterfront – Peace Reels
Perfect Start – Mefree
Needles and Stack – Abraham
Box of Secrets – Sun Chime