Did you miss us? Sorry for the delay; our summer has been jam packed of everything but video editing. But back at it with this episode and the next is already in production!
We feel so blessed that you’re still coming back for more. We adore you, dear viewer, for being excited about our adventure. Or, maybe you’re just waiting for us to fall overboard. Regardless, you’re here. Thank you.
In this episode, the emotion of having a dream and working towards it kind of gets to us and we slow down the boat search. But, then the universe has other ideas. In between we tell you what kind of boat we want and why.
By this time you recognize we’re pretty honest and simple folks, but like to have fun. Hope you’re having fun watching this. Although the video story is months and months behind, you can keep up with our real-time updates on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.
As always we ask that you like, comment, share, and subscribe! Ring the bell and you won’t miss our next episode!
Come follow the adventure: https://www.proteusrising.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/proteus.ris… Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ProteusRising/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/ProteusRising
Who we are: Watch two Gen-Xers, Casz & Greg, along with their two pups, Kola & Sprite, leave the chains of the corporate lifestyle, say goodbye to their mortgage, the golden handcuffs jobs, and buy a sailing vessel to see the world. #sellthehousebuyaboat
Post Script information:
Where we get our music: http://www.epidemicsound.com/
This episode features:
The Road to the Sea, Andreas Ericson
Over Open Seas (Instrumental), Johan Glӧssner
Dreamcatcher, Björn Skogsberg
Chasing Cloud Nine, LUCHS
Between the Sun & The Deep Blue Sea, Martin Carlberg
Sea Lanes, Martin Klem