The plan is simple, albeit multi-stepped (and we reserve the right to do any of these steps in any order as opportunity presents):
Get our youngest successfully off to college (#theycallhimtank)Pay off any debtSell the house and everything else that won’t fit on a sailboat or RVBuy sailboat- Get our
sea legs cruising around the Pacific Northwest, including up to Alaska for a couple of years Buy an RV,so we can do college football season right and knock off some bucket-list things (Spring Training, National Parks, etc.)- Go from Land to Sea and All Around the World (first big trip will likely be to sail around the Pacific with an extended stay near New Zealand and Australia to visit friends).
During everything that we endure to accomplish these steps, we’ll share our story, our lessons, our successes, and all the fun here on the blog and on YouTube, as well as, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.
Hope your plan is to join us.